Bookmarking Illumination…Duh!

November 20, 2010

Tired of temperamental and bulky plastic book-lights that seem to have a lifespan of only a couple of weeks?  I know I am,  I have worked my way through all their designs and battery changing nonsense and inherent “ergonomic” touted flaws!

I am happy to announce that there is future hope to our dim-lit-reading plight, thin as a page of a book, it is an elegant product to enlighten dark rooms and tents, this concept takes reading in low light levels to an obvious conclusion.  I present the bookmarking Lightleaf by: Valentina Trimani

I assume induction is the recharge mechanism of choice here?

Lightleafs - Lamp Bookmarker by Valentina Trimani

Lightleafs - Lamp Bookmarker by Valentina Trimani 2

A superb, innovative and elegant design solution to an old reading problem!

“Great progress is being made in the field of light displays such as OLED, and even if not quite ready to affect our daily lives, they are giving a new freedom to designers who are called upon to imagine future applications and new, inspirational archetypes. This project finds its home in this panorama of international research, mapping the wishes of consumers and pursuing innovative options and solutions to meet their desires”.

Valentina Trimani


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